24 Apr 2013


JOIN & TRUST LEARNING CENTRE (JTLC) – Diposting oleh Karir

NOTE: Daftar lowongan pekerjaan ini telah berakhir dan mungkin sudah tidak lagi relevan!

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

A growing English learning institution in Meruya area is currently looking for some qualified individuals to fill the following vacancy:

The ideal candidates should posses:
• a Bachelor degree majoring in English Literature or other English disciplines
• an excellent understanding of English and able to speak English fluently
• passion for teaching and love being with children
• capabilities to teach both children and adults classes
• good physical and mental fitness
• excellent communication and interpersonal skills

The positions are Full-Time positions at Meruya area.
Fresh graduates / Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.

Cara Melamar

Please submit your application letter along with CV, references, supporting documents and a recent photograph to:   

Posisi Pekerjaan: Teacher. Tipe Pekerjaan: Full-Time.

1,786 kali dilihat, 2 hari ini

Dear Biemers,

Berikut cara melamar lowongan kerja:
Bagi alumni silahkan tap tombol "Melamar Online".
Bagi mahasiswa aktif silahkan melamar lowongan kerja full time ataupun magang melalui portal mahasiswa di bagian: News & Event > Informasi Lowongan Kerja

Harap mempersiapkan CV dan dokumen lainnya sebaik-baiknya.
Informasi lebih lengkap dapat menghubungi ACC di nomor whatsapp 081-1993-9090
Best Wishes & Good Luck

Apply online hanya untuk alumni UBM...