19 Jul 2013

Full-Time Lowongan kerja PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk

PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk – Diposting oleh Karir

NOTE: Daftar lowongan pekerjaan ini telah berakhir dan mungkin sudah tidak lagi relevan!

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

A clear career path, transparant appraisal system, a competitive benefit and compensation, and opportunity to develop oneself continuosly with various training. Those are what we provide to our human resources, because we realize that they’re the most important factor in making PT Bank Central Asia, Tbk. (BCA) as the biggest private bank in Indonesia. We now open the chance for you to move forward along with BCA as the best candidate to fill for:
Junior Secretary
(Placement area : Jakarta)

Requirements :
– Fresh graduate / having 1 – 2 years experience as secretary
– Minimum of Bachelor Degree, majoring in business administration / communication / public
relation with minimum GPA of 2,75 (in scale of 4,00)
– Familiar with the secretarial job

General Requirements :
– Female with maximum age of 25 years old
– Haven’t married yet
– Have a good appereance
– Friendly, diligent, thorough, and detailed
– Prefferably ones with experiences
– Able to work individually or in group
– Have a good communication and interpersonal skill
– English is an advantage

Cara Melamar

tanggal 26 Juli akan diadakan Psikotest sebagai seleksi awal. Untuk itu, diharapkan para pelamar mengisi formulir yang bisa diunduh di : https://karir.bca.co.id/document/FormulirDataDiriPelamar.pdf. Kemudian di-scan dan dikirimkan via email ke recruitment@bca.co.id

Sign yourself up by downloading the form from https://karir.bca.co.id/document/FormulirDataDiriPelamar.pdf. Scan and send the form along with recent color photograph (size 4 x 6 cm) and a copy of ID cardto laura_sutrisna@bca.co.id or sienni_santoso@bca.co.id 
Only qualified applicants will be processed.

Posisi Pekerjaan: Secretary. Tipe Pekerjaan: Full-Time.

8,543 kali dilihat, 1 hari ini

Dear Biemers,

Berikut cara melamar lowongan kerja:
Bagi alumni silahkan tap tombol "Melamar Online".
Bagi mahasiswa aktif silahkan melamar lowongan kerja full time ataupun magang melalui portal mahasiswa di bagian: News & Event > Informasi Lowongan Kerja

Harap mempersiapkan CV dan dokumen lainnya sebaik-baiknya.
Informasi lebih lengkap dapat menghubungi ACC di nomor whatsapp 081-1993-9090
Best Wishes & Good Luck

Apply online hanya untuk alumni UBM...