[Release] Soft Skills Training Ancol Campus “Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success”

Diposting Oleh | November 29, 2023 | Berita & Kegiatan

On Saturday, November 18th, 2023, the Alumni & Career Center (ACC) of Bunda Mulia University held a Soft Skills Training event with the theme “Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success” at The UBM Grand Auditorium, 8th Floor, Ancol Campus.

The event started with the Indonesian national anthem, “Indonesia Raya,” and the Bunda Mulia University anthem. Dr. Li Murniati S.Pd,.M.Hum, Senior Manager of the Student Affairs and Alumni at Bunda Mulia University, gave an opening speech. 

During the initial event session, Mr. Chandra Hermawan, the Chief Information Officer of PT. Global Loyalty Indonesia (Alfagift), spoke on the topic of “Great Work Ethic.” He emphasized the significance of maintaining high-quality work to achieve exceptional outcomes. The subsequent session focused on “Critical Thinking,” with Ms. Sumarny Manurung, the Vice President of PT. Salam Pacific Indonesia Lines, as the speaker. Ms. Sumarny highlighted the value of collaborating with colleagues and receiving constructive feedback to improve performance.

Prior to the upcoming session, BIFIENDC, a Student Activity Unit, presented a dance performance. The concluding session focused on “Communication Skills,” featuring Ms. Henrietta Kristanto, Tax Partner at PB Taxand, as the keynote speaker. Ms. Henrietta emphasized the importance of communication skills in the business world and their influence on professional advancement.

The Alumni & Career Center (ACC) of Bunda Mulia University is proud to organize a Soft Skills Training activity that will greatly empower students and enhance their competence. This training is specifically designed to equip participants with valuable knowledge and skills that can effectively strengthen their professional aspects and hone their interpersonal skills. With the help of this training, the ACC is confident that students will be able to apply these soft skills effectively, and successfully build a rewarding career in the industrial world.

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