Tentang UBM
Visi Universitas Bunda Mulia
Menjadi Perguruan Tinggi UNGGULAN yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan BERKUALITAS tinggi dan berorientasi pada INDUSTRI.
Misi Universitas Bunda Mulia
- Menyelenggarakan pendidikan untuk menghasilkan lulusan siap pakai yang mempunyai kompetensi dan daya saing tinggi dibidang keilmuan masing-masing.
- Menyelengarakan program-program penelitian dan pengembangan guna menghasilkan konsep-konsep, teori dan hasil kajian yang secara fungsional dapat mendukung pengembangan kehidupan bermasyarakat.
- Melaksanakan dan mengembangkan program-program pemberdayaan dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat melalui bidang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni yang bermanfaat bagi kemajuan masyarakat.
The vision of Bunda Mulia University is:
“To become one of the leading universities in Indonesia that provides high quality education with industry-oriented approach”.
UBM’s missions are as follows:
- To provide the best teaching practice to produce graduates who are ready to dive into the work field equipped with competence and the sense of competitiveness in their respective fields of science.
- To conduct research and development programs to produce concepts, theories and results of studies that can support the development of community and its quality of life.
- To develop community service programs through the fields of science, technology and arts that are beneficial to society and its quality of life.
Tagline UBM
“Bridging Education to the Real World”
Core Values UBM
- Commitment = memiliki komitmen dan kesetiaan pada institusi/almamater beserta visi dan misinya.
- Accountability = melakukan tugas dengan penuh tanggung jawab sesuai prosedur dan aturan yang berlaku.
- Respect = memiliki kepedulian dan saling menghargai dalam semangat kebersamaan.
- Excellence = mengembangkan diri secara terus-menerus dan berkesinambungan untuk memberikan hasil yang terbaik.
- Commitment = having commitment and loyalty to the institution / alma mater along with its vision and mission.
- Accountability = performing tasks responsibly in accordance with stated rules and procedures.
- Respect = learning the importance of thoughtfulness and mutual respect in the spirit of teamwork and togethernes.
- Excellence = continuous self-development to provide the best results.