Graduation Debriefing Release – Saturday, December 9th, 2023

Diposting Oleh | Desember 20, 2023 | Berita & Kegiatan

On December 9th, 2023, the Alumni & Career Center Department hosted an event entitled “Entering The Real World of Work: Embarking on a Journey of Growth and Success” for XXXV Prospective Graduates. The event was a Graduation Debriefing Activity, which was divided into two sessions. The first session offered the opportunity for students from Management, Psychology, Informatics, Information Systems, Hospitality & Tourism, Master of Management, and Master of Communication Science Study Programs to participate. The second session was delivered for the students from Communication Science, Accounting, English, Mandarin Language, Visual Communication Design, and Digital Business Study Programs.

The activity commenced with the singing of Indonesia Raya and Mars Bunda Mulia University, followed by the opening remarks from Mrs. Yenli Megawati S.E., M.M, Vice Rector for Student Affairs & Facilities.

The event revolved around the theme of “Mastering the Art of Success: Embrace Adaptation and Socialization in Your Professional Life.” Dr. Li Murniati S.Pd., M.Hum, a Senior Manager of Student Affairs and Facilities at Bunda Mulia University moderated the first session. It featured insightful talks from the Management Study Program Alumni of 2013, including Liva, who currently serves as the CEO of PT Atlaz Belajar Bahasa, and Mrs. Frieska Imelda, who holds the position of Vice President at Bank Mandiri Tangerang. The second session was moderated by Mrs. Regina Dewi Hanifah SST.Par., M.Par, Manager of the Alumni & Career Center at Bunda Mulia University, and featured speakers from the Management Study Program Alumni of 2013. Fonny Siauwanda, Senior Manager of Bank Danamon, and Mr. Fadloan Ashari, Head of Digital PT. Gondowangi also shared their valuable experiences.

During the session, attendees explored how to effectively navigate and thrive in the industrial sector, with insights shared by an experienced industry practitioner. In addition, sessions 1 and 2 featured academic speakers who delved into the sub-theme “Managing Your Future Career in The Industrial World: The Significance of Quality Education”. Session 1 was led by Mrs. Young Dame Rosemerry Napitupulu S.Psi, M.M., Psi, HR Director of Bunda Mulia University, while session 2 was presented by Dr. Li Murniati S.Pd., M.Hum, Senior Manager of Student Affairs and Facilities of Bunda Mulia University. This session highlighted the current state of the industrial landscape and underscored the critical role of education in achieving success in this dynamic field.

The event aimed to assist graduating students in navigating the transition from academic to professional life successfully. It provided a platform for students to learn from experienced professionals about the challenges and opportunities that await them in the real world of work. The event was well attended, and the feedback from the participants was positive. The Alumni & Career Center Department is committed to providing support and assistance to graduating students and helping them succeed in their chosen careers.

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