[Release] Coaching Clinic “Building a Strong Application for IISMA: CVs and Essays that Stand Out”

Diposting Oleh | Desember 16, 2024 | Berita & Kegiatan


Jakarta, December 9th 2024 – Alumni & Career Center (ACC) Department successfully hosted a coaching clinic entitled “Building a Strong Application for IISMA: Crafting CVs and Essays that Stand Out”. The event attracted UBM students who aspire to participate in the prestigious IISMA 2025 scholarship program.

The coaching clinic was meticulously designed to provide comprehensive support to students in enhancing their abilities to create high-quality application materials. It specifically focused on key components such as crafting compelling CVs and persuasive essays, which are essential for successful scholarship applications. The Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) represents a highly esteemed scholarship initiative that was launched by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). This innovative program aims to empower Indonesian students by offering them the invaluable opportunity to study at some of the world’s most prestigious and globally recognized universities. Through IISMA, students can gain access to diverse academic programs and cultural experiences that will enrich their educational journeys and broaden their horizons. 

Recognizing the critical role that thorough preparation plays in achieving success, the ACC Department took the initiative to invite a selection of experienced and knowledgeable speakers. These experts were brought in to provide guidance and practical tips to students, enabling them to craft compelling and persuasive CVs and essays that stand out in the competitive application process. By participating in this clinic, students were better equipped to present their qualifications and experiences effectively, increasing their chances of securing these valuable scholarship opportunities.

During this interactive session, participants had the opportunity to explore the complexities of writing effective and persuasive essays. The session was facilitated by Dr. Li Murniati, S.Pd., M.Hum, Senior Manager of Student Affairs and the Alumni Career Center. Attendees were introduced to essential techniques for constructing robust arguments and choosing appropriate language. Simultaneously, Regina Dewi Hanifah, S.ST.Par., M.Par, Manager of the Alumni & Career Center, offered valuable insights on developing compelling curricula vitae that would attract the attention of scholarship providers. The knowledge and skills acquired during this session will enhance participants’ prospects in the IISMA 2025 selection process and lay a strong foundation for their future endeavors.


Jakarta, 9 Desember 2024 – Departemen Alumni & Career Center sukses menyelenggarakan coaching clinic bertema “Building a Strong Application for IISMA: Crafting CVs and Essays that Stand Out”. Acara ini menarik minat mahasiswa UBM yang bercita-cita untuk mengikuti program beasiswa IISMA 2025 yang bergengsi.

Coaching clinic ini diselenggarakan khusus memberikan dukungan komprehensif kepada mahasiswa dalam meningkatkan kemampuan mereka untuk menciptakan materi aplikasi berkualitas tinggi. Fokus khusus diberikan pada komponen-komponen kunci seperti menyusun CV yang menarik dan menulis esai yang persuasif, yang merupakan hal penting untuk keberhasilan aplikasi beasiswa. Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) merupakan inisiatif beasiswa yang sangat dihormati yang diluncurkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek). Program inovatif ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan mahasiswa Indonesia dengan menawarkan mereka kesempatan berharga untuk belajar di beberapa universitas paling bergengsi dan diakui secara global di dunia. Melalui IISMA, mahasiswa dapat mengakses berbagai program akademik dan pengalaman budaya yang akan memperkaya perjalanan pendidikan mereka dan memperluas wawasan mereka.

Dalam sesi interaktif ini, para peserta berkesempatan untuk menggali kompleksitas penulisan esai yang efektif dan persuasif. Sesi ini dipimpin oleh Dr. Li Murniati, S.Pd., M.Hum, Senior Manager bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Alumni Career Center. Para peserta diperkenalkan dengan teknik-teknik penting untuk membangun argumen yang kuat dan pemilihan bahasa yang tepat. Bersamaan dengan itu, Regina Dewi Hanifah, S.ST.Par., M.Par, Manager Alumni & Career Center, memberikan wawasan berharga tentang pengembangan Curriculum Vitae yang menarik dan mampu memikat perhatian penyedia beasiswa. Pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang diperoleh selama sesi ini akan meningkatkan prospek peserta dalam proses seleksi IISMA 2025 dan meletakkan dasar yang kuat untuk usaha mereka di masa depan.

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