Full-Time Lowongan Kerja CV Sari Rasa Nusantara (Sate Khas Senayan)
NOTE: Daftar lowongan pekerjaan ini telah berakhir dan mungkin sudah tidak lagi relevan!
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Job Description
Handle troubleshooting for computer or software, networking, and database
Handle computer program and application installation
Maintain PC and networking
Willing to work mobile and visit stores
Willing to qork on weekend when needed
Maximum 30 years old
Minimum Bachelor in Information Technology
Have experience as IT Support for minimum 2 years
Good communcation and coordination skill
Strong analtical, detailed, innovative problem solving, and good follow up
Job Description
Develop programmes for store, central kitchen, and head office
Convert project specification to detailed logical work for coding into computer language
Have experience in developing mobile application is an advantage
Maximum 35 years old
Minimum Bachelor in Information Technology
Have experience as Programmer minimum 2 years
Analytical, detail, and logical
Able to work in tight deadline
Enjoy problem solving
Able to use Deplhi/VB, MySQL/Ms SQL Server, Perl/PHP
Job Description
Create and develop marketing and promotion concept
Support markerting and promotiona activities
Able to use Photoshop, Illustrator, and layouting
Have skills and experiences in Photography and PhotoEditor are advantages
Able to manage multiple deadlines
Able to work independently as well as in team
Maximum 28 years old
Minimum Bachelor in Visual Communication Design
Have experience as Graphic Designer minimum 3 years, especially in marketing and promotion retail
Having good knowledge of marketing and promotion
Good follow up, communicatiom, and coordination skill
Creative, self motivated, self initiative, hard worker, and fast learner
Job Description
Handle building maintenance and improvement
Create work planning everyday to support maintenance system
Coordinate and maintain good communication with Mall Management
Motivate and train subordinate
Maximum 30 years old
Minimum Diploma or Bachelor in Engineering (Civil)
Have minimum 3 years experience as Building Maintenance
Strong analytical and good follow up
Communicate well, able to work under pressure
Willing to work in shift
Willing to work mobile
Job Description
Handle HRD and database administration
Able to manage multiple deadlines
Able to work independently as well as in team
Help co-workers when needed
Maximum 25 years old
Minimum Bachelor in Psychology
Have experience in the same department is an advantage
Good personality and communicate well
Time management skill
Creative, initiative, self-motivated, hard worker, and fast learner
Cara Melamar
Send your CV to [email protected] and CC to [email protected] / [email protected] . Please write the job you want on Subject.
2,151 kali dilihat, 1 hari ini
Dear Biemers,
Berikut cara melamar lowongan kerja:
Bagi alumni silahkan tap tombol "Melamar Online".
Bagi mahasiswa aktif silahkan melamar lowongan kerja full time ataupun magang melalui portal mahasiswa di bagian: News & Event > Informasi Lowongan Kerja
Harap mempersiapkan CV dan dokumen lainnya sebaik-baiknya.
Informasi lebih lengkap dapat menghubungi ACC di nomor whatsapp 081-1993-9090
Best Wishes & Good Luck