[Release] Bunda Mulia Long Distance Learning Webinar “Enhancing Mutual Networking and Strategic Communications at Works”

Diposting Oleh | Januari 26, 2024 | Berita & Kegiatan

Universitas Bunda Mulia (UBM) Alumni & Career Center in collaboration with the Student Affairs of Universitas Bunda Mulia Ancol Campus proudly organized a Webinar event on December 16th, 2023. The event was titled “Enhancing Mutual Networking and Strategic Communications at Works” and aimed to provide insights to Bunda Mulia Long Distance Learning students. The webinar featured two distinguished speakers who are alumni of the Communication Studies Program at UBM.

During the event, two sessions were held with industry experts sharing their knowledge and insights on topics relevant to the professional landscape. The first session was led by Ryan Fernando, a Field Producer at CNN Indonesia, who spoke on the subject of “Enhancing Mutual Networking at Works”. Mr. Fernando emphasized the significance of cross-generational collaboration and how it can enrich the professional connections of active students. The second session was hosted by Mr. Lim Yudhi S.I.Kom.,M.I.Kom, a Lecturer in the UBM Communication Studies Program, presented on the topic of “Strategic Communications at Works”. Mr. Lim provided valuable insights on how students can develop effective communication skills to achieve success in their careers. The discussion also included communication strategies that can be applied in a professional context.

The webinar was a great success and provided valuable insights to the participants. The Alumni & Career Center of Universitas Bunda Mulia is committed to organizing such events to help students stay updated and enhance their skills.

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