[Release] Graduation Debriefing XXXVI “Building Digital Competencies: Key to Adaptation for Future Leaders”
Tangerang, December 7th, 2024 – Alumni & Career Center Department of Bunda Mulia University hosted the Graduation Debriefing XXXVI at The UBM Sport Hall, UBM Tower, Serpong Campus. All graduating students from the English, Mandarin, Visual Communication Design, Informatics, Psychology, Information System, Long Distance Learning Management, Post-Graduate Management and Post-Graduate Communication Science study programs engaged in this inspiring event, themed “Building Digital Competencies: Key to Adaptation for Future Leaders”
The event featured two insightful sessions. The first session was moderated by Dr. Li. Murniati, S.PD., M.Hum, centered on “Creative Problem-Solving: Essential Skills for Digital Professionals”. Industry experts Mr. Wahyudi Akbar, the Learning & Development Division Head at PT Kurnia Ciptamoda Gemilang, along with Mr. Fernandi Filipus, the Founder of Agency Kite Creative and an alumnus of UBM’s Visual Communication Design Study program, emphasized the importance of cultivating creative problem-solving skills for both personal and professional growth. Their engaging presentation demonstrated how these skills can enhance productivity, foster innovation, and provide a competitive edge. In recognition of the valuable contributions of the speakers and moderator, Ms. Yenli Megawati, S.E., M.M., the Vice-Rector of Student Affairs and Facilities, presented tokens of appreciation.
The second session, led by Mr. Ivan Butar, Vice President of Education at Monash University, Indonesia, focused on “Lifelong Learning for a Fulfilling Career”. Mr. Ivan emphasized the importance of developing in-demand skills for the future, such as digital literacy, problem-solving, and creativity. To acknowledge the valuable contributions of the speaker, Ms. Young Dame Rosemerry Napitupulu, S.Psi., M.M., the Director of Human Resources and Marketing, presented tokens of appreciation to Mr. Ivan Butar.
Beyond the informative presentations, the event included sharing sessions from UBM’s Postgraduate program for prospective graduate students and Monash University, which provided exclusive benefits to UBM graduates interested in pursuing further studies.
The event further introduced various programs offered by the Alumni & Career Center, such as the UBM Mentoring System, which connects graduates with seasoned professionals in their respective fields. Additionally, the session emphasized the significance of completing the tracer study to collect valuable data on alumni achievements. The event concluded with a graduation ceremony rehearsal, providing detailed guidelines on the ceremony’s sequence, regulations, and protocols. This comprehensive preparatory event equipped graduating students with the knowledge and skills required to excel in the ever-evolving digital age. UBM remains committed to empowering its graduates to become future leaders by prioritizing innovation, lifelong learning, and career advancement.
Tangerang, 7 Desember 2024 – Departemen Alumni & Career Center Universitas Bunda Mulia menyelenggarakan Pembekalan Wisuda ke-XXXVI di The UBM Sport Hall, UBM Tower, Kampus Serpong. Semua mahasiswa yang lulus dari program studi Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Mandarin, Desain Komunikasi Visual, Informatika, Psikologi, Sistem Informasi, Pendidikan Jarak Jauh Manajemen, Magister Manajemen, dan Magister Ilmu Komunikasi terlibat dalam acara inspiratif ini, bertema “Building Digital Competencies: Key to Adaptation for Future Leaders”.
Acara ini menampilkan dua sesi yang penuh wawasan. Sesi pertama, dimoderatori oleh Ibu Dr. Li. Murniati, S.PD., M.Hum, berfokus pada “Creative Problem-Solving: Essential Skills for Digital Professionals” Para ahli industri, Bapak Wahyudi Akbar, Learning & Development Division Head di PT Kurnia Ciptamoda Gemilang, dan Bapak Fernandi Filipus, Founder Agency Kite Creative dan alumni Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual UBM, menekankan pentingnya mengembangkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah kreatif untuk pertumbuhan pribadi dan profesional. Presentasi yang menarik mereka menunjukkan bagaimana keterampilan ini dapat meningkatkan produktivitas, mendorong inovasi, dan memberikan keunggulan kompetitif. Sebagai penghargaan atas kontribusi berharga para pembicara dan moderator, Ibu Yenli Megawati, S.E., M.M., Wakil Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan dan Fasilitas, memberikan penghargaan kepada Ibu Murni, Bapak Wahyudi dan Bapak Fernandi.
Sesi kedua, dipimpin oleh Bapak Ivan Butar, Vice President of Education di Monash University, Indonesia, berfokus pada “Lifelong Learning for a Fulfilling Career”. Bapak Ivan menekankan pentingnya keterampilan-keterampilan yang akan sangat dibutuhkan di masa depan, seperti keterampilan digital, pemecahan masalah, dan kreativitas. Sebagai penghargaan atas kontribusi berharga pembicara, Ibu Young Dame Rosemerry Napitupulu, S.Psi., M.M., Director of Human Resources and Marketing, memberikan penghargaan kepada Bapak Ivan Butar.
Selain presentasi informatif, acara ini juga mencakup sesi berbagi dari program Pascasarjana UBM untuk calon mahasiswa pascasarjana dan Monash University, yang memberikan manfaat eksklusif bagi lulusan UBM yang tertarik untuk melanjutkan studi.
Acara ini juga memperkenalkan berbagai program yang ditawarkan oleh Alumni & Career Center, seperti UBM Mentoring System, yang menghubungkan lulusan dengan para profesional berpengalaman di bidang masing-masing. Selain itu, sesi tersebut menekankan pentingnya menyelesaikan studi tracer untuk mengumpulkan data berharga tentang prestasi alumni. Acara diakhiri dengan gladi resik wisuda, memberikan panduan rinci tentang urutan, peraturan, dan protokol upacara. Acara persiapan komprehensif ini membekali mahasiswa lulusan dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk unggul di era digital yang terus berkembang. UBM tetap berkomitmen untuk memberdayakan lulusannya menjadi pemimpin masa depan dengan memprioritaskan inovasi, pembelajaran sepanjang hayat, dan pengembangan karier.
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