[Release] of Industrial Visit of Accounting Study Program to PB Taxand

Diposting Oleh | Januari 8, 2024 | Berita & Kegiatan

The Accounting Study Program at Universitas Bunda Mulia (UBM) partnered with the Alumni & Career Center to organize an industry visit to PB Taxand for students of the Accounting Study Program at Ancol Campus. Jessica Sito and Sonya Octaviani hosted the event, and Mr. Wendy Salim Saputra, the Secretary of the Accounting Study Program, gave the opening remarks. The first session focused on “Individual Tax,” presented by Ms. Irene Puspitasari, and “Corporate Tax,” presented by Ms. Terrafel Khansawa. Mr. Robby Luthfiyansyah then provided a brief overview of PB Taxand and its profile. The second session, presented by Ms. Tia Septiani, covered “Introduction of PB Taxand as a tax consultant,” and sharing experiences in the accounting and finance fields. The MC guided the Q&A and quiz session, followed by PB Taxand office tour. The event concluded with a group photo and a thank you from PB Taxand and Bunda Mulia University.

The event was a resounding success, and everyone left with a deeper understanding of the taxation sector at PB Taxand, thanks to the exceptional efforts of the lecturers, committees, and participants. The cooperation and enthusiasm of everyone involved made this an unforgettable experience that will be cherished for years to come!

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