Virtual Company Visit Management Study Program to PT Lancar Wiguna Sejahtera (Lawson)

Diposting Oleh | Oktober 23, 2023 | Berita & Kegiatan

The Alumni & Career Center Department in partnership with the Management Study Program recently organized a Virtual Company Visit to PT. Lancar Wiguna Sejahtera, known as Lawson, on Saturday, October 14th, 2023. The event was conducted via Zoom Meeting with the theme “Innovation in Production and Management Strategies for Enhancing Company Efficiency and Sustainability”. The program began at 10:00 AM and was hosted by Nicholas Andrew as the Master of Ceremonies. The event commenced with an opening address by Mr. Elkunny Dovir Siratan, S.Par., MM., the Supervisor of the Management Study Program Student Association followed by a material presentation delivered by Mr. Kurny Kurniawan S.Psi., M.H., the Human Capital Operation Manager at the Head Office of PT Lancar Wiguna Sejahtera (Lawson). This event aimed to explore innovative production and management strategies that can improve the company’s efficiency and sustainability.

Lawson is a well-known retail business franchise network from Japan with 11,174 outlets spread throughout the world, including Indonesia. Lawson began opening branches in Indonesia in 2011 in collaboration with PT Midi Utama Indonesia, Tbk (Alfa Group). In just two years, Lawson has opened 83 outlets in Java and Bali. The company has a dynamic, creative, and innovative culture.

The presentation started off well with an introduction to Lawson’s company profile which covered the history and growth of the establishment in Indonesia. Lawson has introduced a new concept in their stores which includes a restaurant where customers can cook their own odeng using portable stoves provided at each table. Lawson values customer feedback and uses it to develop and innovate, such as they offer a variety of odeng with different levels of spiciness and also providing chili sauce for those who love spicy food. By 2023, there will be a total of 571 outlets in Indonesia with 4,212 employees. Lawson stores are categorized into 5 types including “Residential” located in housing areas, “Public Area” found in train stations, airports, and rest areas, “School/University” in campuses such as Bunda Mulia, “Office” located in office buildings such as MNC Tower, and “Lawson in Store (LIS)” which is usually found in Alfamidi, Lawson’s sister company. Lawson in Store only offers odeng, onigiri, fried food, and coffee. The coffee provided is packaged for convenience.

Later, a video was played to showcase the work environment at the PT Lancar Wiguna Sejahtera office. The event concluded with an interactive question and answer session where Management students eagerly asked Mr. Kurni Kurniawan several questions through the chat column. The questions asked were numerous and diverse, providing students with more insight into the innovative and strategic management approaches implemented by Lawson to improve efficiency and sustainability. Finally, Mr. Elkunny Dovir Siratan, S.Par., MM, the supervisor of the Management Study Program Student Association presented a Token of Appreciation to Mr. Kurny Kurniawan S.Psi., M.H, the Human Capital Operation Manager. The session ended with a group photo, marking the end of the Virtual Company Visit.

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